The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) would be the nodal agency for the project.


In order to implement this project, GoN has established a society named Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Nagaland (SoCRAN) under the APC‘s Office, GoN. The Chief Secretary of the State of Nagaland is the Chairperson and the APC is the Vice Chair of the Society. A Governing Council of the society has been constituted comprising the Secretary, Agriculture; Secretary, Horticulture; Secretary Planning and Programme Implementation; Secretary, Finance; Secretary, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services; Secretary, Soil and Water Conservation; Secretary, Rural Development, and the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests as the core members. The Governing Council may co-opt additional members based on the requirement. GoN has appointed an officer from the All-India Services on a fulltime basis as the Chief Executive Officer who will also be an ex-officio Secretary of the society.


The project would establish a DMU in each district within the District Agriculture Office. The District Agriculture Officer (DAO) would be the District Project Manager (DPM). A small team of professionals would be recruited to facilitate project implementation. DMUs would function as an outpost of SoCRAN in each project di strict. An Agriculture Officer of the rank of Asst. Director will be posted under the DAO by the state government on a full-term basis to deal exclusively with the project activities who would be the Field Coordinator of the project. DMUs would be authorized to release funds based on the sanctioned AWP&B.

A technical team comprising officers of mid-level seniority drawn from the Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Soil and Water Conservation would be attached full time for this project. In addition, the project would also engage professionals on a contract basis. The project would also engage a Planning and Monitoring Officer, an F&AO and the required junior professionals at the district level on a contract basis.